The UK Sports Institute

The UK Sports Institute


The UK Sports Institute (UKSI) provides world-leading sports science and medicine support to Olympic and Paralympic sports across the UK. We work with the most talented athletes in Great Britain and are always looking for ambitious and driven employees to support us with this.

We believe that continuously developing everyone in the organisation is critical to our on-going success. We place a great deal of emphasis on creating opportunities for everyone to extend their knowledge whilst acquiring skills, experience and qualifications.

Combined with the unique experiences of working in Olympic and Paralympic sporting environments, we provide people with the opportunities to develop and achieve successful careers in high performance sport.

Company type: 

Address information

UK Sports Institute, The Manchester Institute of Health and Performance
299 Alan Turing Way
M11 3BS

Company Locations

Contact persons: 

UK Sports Institute 
The UK Sports Institute delivers outstanding support that enables sports and athletes to excel.