University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham


In 1928, while opening the Trent Building and University Park, Sir Jesse Boot wrote that:

…in each succeeding age the University will spread the light of learning and knowledge and will bind science and industry in the unity that is so essential for the prosperity of the nation and the welfare of our fellow citizens. 

That vision still has currency. It speaks to ambition, engagement, partnership, civic responsibility and longevity and the values on which it is built remain at the heart of the University.

While our core values remain the same, almost 90 years of globalisation and technological developments make the world a different place, which is reflected in our vision and Global Strategy 2020.

Type d'entreprise: 
Taille de l'entreprise: 
251-1000 employés

Address information

University of Nottingham
University Park

Company Locations